Bone Women

Bone Women

Re-membering the Journey Home

In Kaye Dixon’s current body of work, Bone Women, is reimagined through the alchemy of alternative printing processes.

“I particularly enjoyed Kaye Dixon’s Bone Women series. She combined sculpture, painting, digital photography, and cyanotype printing to ‘re-member’ her journey home; the long journey to find her feminine power buried in the depth of her soul. Her bone women are sailing and ‘re-membering’ the times when there was an intrinsic connection between all living things.”

– Brian Rope. Into The Blue – a Celebration of the Cyanotype Print explores an age-old technique. Canberra Times, 2021

The building of the boats, carrying the Bone Women, started in 2018 and I imagined them sailing over the ocean under the starry skies. In this body of work, this desire has been achieved through painting, photography, and the alchemy of cyanotype. Bone Women remind us to re-member to journey home to the magic and medicine deep inside the soul of the feminine.

This is a journey based on the way of the Feminine. Using intuitive wisdom and navigating by the stars over the seas to find new land; where the sacredness of Mother Earth, the mysteries of the universe and the wild feminine is revered. The bones hold lost and half- forgotten memories of Wild Woman. It is her connection to wildish nature that carries stories, dreams, words, and song. Wild Woman listens to what is seen and unseen, she whispers from our night dreams.

Also Included are poems written in response to the images from writers in Australia and Ireland.

Kaye Dixon

“When we assert intuition, we are therefore like the starry night; we gaze at the world through a thousand eyes”